
Posts Tagged ‘regulations’

The real tragedy here…

… is that for the past century or so, we women have been fighting for our own voices, equal rights, and to be taken seriously as intellectual, strong, and capable people. We have been fighting to change the stereotype of a woman from a figure meant to stay at home and take care of the cooking, cleaning and mindless house work to a figure just as able as anyone to enter the workplace, contribute to society and to be looked at as someone who can be dependant on ourselves, and not on a man or an establishment for support. This is the real progress that is being wiped away and set back by this “war on women.” By saying that we women need someone to pay for our healthcare, our insurance, our birth control, our services, and need someone to step in and take care of our costs, is the dead opposite of what we have been fighting for; our independence.  Picketing, trashing the conservatives, and making speeches about how we need the government to fund our medical needs is fighting against the progress we have been trying to make. We are once again demonstrating that the women’s mindset is one of dependence, that we need to depend on the federal government because we can’t take care of ourselves. If we just once, sat back and really looked at what is going on here, us smart and logical women would all be able to see that this is the very oppression we have been fighting against! The government has manipulated these women into once again believing that they cannot take care of themselves and that they need the governments help. These women who are talking like they are so strong and so vocal, are just once again demonstrating that we women need to depend on other’s to take of ourselves. That is tragic. 

If we remove the dependence on the government from the picture, and remove the regulations on the private healthcare sector, and let costs to lower by allowing competition out there in the market, insurance and healthcare can become monumentally more affordable, then, and only then, we can truly be the strong and independent women we think we are right now! Why is this so hard to see? By creating this “war on women,” women have effectively stifled the progress people like me have been trying so hard to push forward even more, to prove finally that women don’t need help, not from a man, not from the government, not from anyone!